Mobility's Facebook page

marți, 13 august 2019

About sending organisations...

Who are the sending organisations?

All the partners involved in the project support and facilitate, through their active participation, the project objectives and also, european citizenship, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion.

Hellenic Youth Participation (based in Athens, Greece) stands for intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, mutual understanding and solidarity.
The main aim of the group is to promote human rights through non-formal education and experiential learning. They train different age groups (teenagers, young adults, parents, youthworkers, facilitators, teachers) in order to inspire and stimulate European citizens to become active parts of their local and European community. They wish to motivate them to become involved and to raise awareness about current values like equal opportunities, social inclusion and cultural diversity. 
Through their projects they aim at the promotion of non-formal differentiated learning and the importance of personal development. 

HYP is active on a local, national and European level.
They were awarded the silver prize in the volunteer competition for Greece for their contribution in education in 2016 and 2017. Due to the recent humanitarian crisis in Greece, they are working to create a network of activism of young people in order to know where and how to be active. 

Gaziantep Local Youth Group (Gaziantep Yerel Gençlik Grubu) is established on the 1st December of 2014 by youth in Gaziantep.

Vision: motivated people creating the world inspired by each other, care and cooperation.

Mission: encourage people to care about their lifelong learnig

I. Implement non-formal education;
II. Find a bridge between formal and non-formal eduation;
III. Develop creative thinking;
IV. Support youth in identifying their skills and abilities;
V. Encourage entrepreneur thinking;
VI. Promote the cooperation between young people;
VII. Organize personal development trainings, culturel events, outdoor activities, job fairs, seminars for students and abroad opportunities.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit European wide student organisation. Its goal is to support and develop student’s exchange. It is composed of over 12000 members from more than 500 local sections in 40 countries in Higher Education Institutions, including universities, polytechnics, and university colleges. ESN is organised on a local, national and international level. 
ESN Minho is one of the ESN's local sections afore mentioned, responsible for representing the needs and rights of foreign and exchange students at Minho’s University. Thus providing opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development of these, as well as assisting those same students in their social and practical integration and adaptation to Portugal. Our organisation also promotes and motivates the local students about the positive points and self-development of those who are looking for an exchange, as well as help them in the process.

DESES-3 is an organization that works with young people, offering them opportunities of comprehensive training programs, while giving priority to those who are unemployed or have a cultural, social or economic disadvantage. 
They aim at social inclusion and thus provide the space and projects that will allow youngsters to develop their social skills. 
DESES-3 works on different topics depending on their respective goals. 
I. Organize and disseminate training activities and information events on the topic of Health and Disease Prevention. 
II. Inform, sensitive raise awareness and manage activities related to the environment. These aim at environmental protection, educating the public, disseminating useful information and ensuring an enjoyable time for their participants. 
III. Carry out activities such as courses, seminars and training days regarding leisure time and more. 
IV. Contribute to the personal development of individuals and help them to achieve their full potential – physically, intellectually and socially – as citizens. Attention is given to those who are most in need of assistance. These could be people unprivileged socially, culturally, economically, physically, mentally, ethnically etc.
V. Develop Actions and Programs for Social Intervention and Integration. 
VI. Carry out Activities, Classes, Camps, Youth Exchanges, Tours, and trips with and for children and young people, linking to the areas of Formal and Non-Formal Education. 
VII. Develop all kind of activities in Free Time and Non-Formal Education. 
VIII. Promote activities, programs, projects relating to societal integration and the incorporation of immigrants into our society. 
IX. Develop proposals and actions on gender equality, providing support to women, and promoting their inclusion and equal participation in society.

Scambieuropei is a Cultural Association dedicated to youth formed by a group of young people specialized in a wide range of fields, including but not limited to: non-formal education, international cooperation, communication & marketing and social work. 
The mission of Scambieuropei is to provide and promote mobility opportunities for young people in order to help them improve their work and/or educational skills. It undertakes several initiatives to promote and enhance active European citizenship, intercultural communication, social integration, media and journalism.
Scambieuropei also serves as a recruiter and professional mediator, helping match young adults seeking employment with European companies and NGOs, activating SVE's and internships throughout Europe
One of Scambieuropei main objectives is to promote the concept of “European citizenship” through the exchange of good practices and multicultural learning. That is why since 2010 they became an accredited EVS sending and coordinating organization.
Furthermore, Scambieuropei works with mobility activities for VET learners as hosting and coordinating organization. In this case, their aim is to provide young people with practical tools and knowledge about EU programs in order to develop their own initiatives.

Scambieuropei portal attracts over 800.000 viewers per month, the number of followers on our Facebook page totals well over 100.000, while their newsletter has more than 26.000 monthly subscribers.

In the Summer of 2011, they launched their online magazine dedicated exclusively to European Culture and trends which now serves as an excellent medium for users/ community members on the move to share their exchange experiences

If you want to know more about our project partners, please check the following links:

- Hellenic Youth Participation [Greece]

Scambieuropei [Italy]

ESN Minho [Portugal]

DESES-3 [Spain] 

luni, 12 august 2019

About hosting organisation...

“Initiative Sociale” Association is a NGO that has been created in July 2012 by the founders who wish to produce changes in youth mentalities and to motivate the young generation to cooperate for a better society and to motivate them in taking initiative.
"Initiative Sociale" is an association of young people and its mission is to promote and implement non-formal programs for the young generation.
Our objectives and mission are to create and develop national and international youth exchanges, programs to promote European partnership among young people, professional development of European standards and practice, to organize summer schools and conferences, to promote social initiatives among young people, to create and develop different programs regarding orientation and professional counseling.
We would also like to concentrate on promoting social economy and social entrepreneurship; we would like to offer support and provide technical assistance to young people who want to start a business, especially the social businesses initiatives. Also, we would like to provide support in creation and development of programs for democracy among young people and will promote the concept of Active European Citizenship.
Another objective is to create partnerships with private companies, NGOs and public institutions to create projects for our community and social initiatives among young people.
If you want to know more about our association please follow us on:

About the project...

The "Grow Your Ideas!" project is a multilateral youth exchange under the Erasmus+ program to be held in Horezu, Valcea County, Romania, between 13 - 23.09.2019.

Over 9 days, 36 young people and 6 group leaders coming from 6 different European Union countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey) will meet to exchange experiences, to learn and to focus on concret actions about the development of entrepreneurial spirit.

The aim of the project is to increase the level of knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of entrepreneurship for 36 young people under the guidance of 6 group leaders from the 6 participating countries for a period of 9 days of exchange young people.

The specific objectives (SO) - SMART - which will lead to the aim of the "Grow your ideas!" project, are as following:

SO1: Developing entrepreneurial skills and entrepreneurial spirit for the 36 participants and 6 group leaders to be adaptable to the labor market.

SO2: Raising awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities and about the importance of young entrepreneurs and their role in shaping the future of European society for the 36 participants and 6 group leaders through the use of non-formal methods and tools during 9 days of activities in the youth exchange.

SO3: Developing the key competencies of the 36 participants and 6 group leaders, subordinated to the field of entrepreneurship and employment, during the 9-day youth exchange.

SO4: Designing start-up business plans in a multicultural space during 9 days of youth exchange.

SO5:   Strengthen the intercultural dialogue with the 42 participants, in order to consolidate a European education based on diversity, during the implementation of the project.

The "Grow your ideas!" project is guided by the specific objectives of the E+ program (promoting active participation, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity by increasing mobility opportunities for educational purposes) and promotes entrepreneurship as a tool for combating unemployment among young people, as well as their active participation in the labor market at national and European level.
Specifically, during mobility, each country involved in this project will present at least one idea / example of good practice in entrepreneurship in their home country and will also organize a creative workshop about entrepreneurship.

In the end, our purpose is to draft feasible business plans. Thus, through the activities listed above, our project meets the current and ongoing needs of young people: the need / willingness to participate actively in the labor market, the importance of entrepreneurship in the current economic context and the awareness of the role of young entrepreneurs in shaping the future of European society.

Thus, following the information and competencies gained in this exchange, young people can develop entrepreneurial ideas that can be put into practice by starting their own business; In this way, the project can contribute to the sustainable development of the community they come from.

The proposed activities support the achievement of the project objectives; thus encouraging active participation of young people, promoting ideas for business development by creating business plans, promoting a participatory attitude of young people to develop entrepreneurial ideas, and promoting E+.

Also, young people participating in this exchange will receive the Youthpass Certificate at the end of the project recognizing the key competencies developed through this mobility.