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vineri, 8 noiembrie 2019

Non-Formal methods used...

The project activities were aimed to engage young people through active participation, which is a priority in the "Erasmus+" framework. 

The activities planned during this youth exchange included, exclusively, non-formal methods; the aims were to facilitate the intercultural exchange, exchanging ideas, sustaining dialogue, to support the process of decision making and contribution with new ideas, encouraging freedom of expression and tolerance among participants. The involvement of young people in these activities help them to develop personal and social competences, and also competences for teamwork.

The non-formal methods proposed during the project activities had the objective to develop a participatory attitude, to support the process of refection, to promote tolerance, to support the integration of intercultural differences in the proces of creation and to support cooperation among young; organized tasks so that each participant had the opportunity to come into contact with a different culture. 

Enegizers: The aim of these activities is to facilitate the getting-to-know-each other, to energize them and also to facilitate the switch between the activities.
Usually these activities are group games that take up to 15 minutes.

Intercultural Nights: We were anxious from the beggining to get to know more about each participating country and its culture, so the cultural nights that every country organized offered us the best opportunity to feed our curiosity. During the whole week, the participants of each country prepared the program of these nights as they wished; this usually included a presentation of the country, a presentation of customs and traditions, traditional music and dances, traditional clothes, food and drinks. We enjoyed every difference and similitude that we discovered and we were all very enthusiastic to find out more during the whole period of the project.

luni, 4 noiembrie 2019

... everyone should live at least once in a lifetime.

"Taking part in an experience like a youth exchange is something everyone should live at least once in a lifetime. No matter which country you choose or the subject of the project, just participate!
Living abroad and improving your knowledge in a different way can change your life completely by having the opportunity to be “yourself”.

Probably the most celebrated advantages of these projects are that its participants finish the program with a network of lifelong friends, learn a new language and a new culture; but what I really think makes a difference is that you are forced to communicate in languages you are not so fluent in. It is hard at first but then you realize you have to get out your comfort zone and try… Don’t forget around you there are people in your same situation!

When you spend several days with people from countries with such different cultures, it is amazing how many ways of thinking and feeling can coexist!

Besides, broadening your cultural horizons will make you more open to international work opportunities.

It is a kind of inspiration for your future that we should take adventage of."